Hubungan Beban Kerja dengan Kinerja Perawat Rawat Inap di RSI Ibnu Sina Simpang Empat Tahun 2023
Workload, Nurse Performance, Inpatient CareAbstract
One factor in improving health status, hospitals certainly need quality human resources to be able to develop and compete. Based on the initial survey at RSI Ibnu Sina Simpang Empat, the thing that influences nurse performance is workload, excessive workload activities cause a decrease in nurse performance, causing nurse performance to be ineffective and inefficient. The research aims to determine the relationship between workload and the performance of inpatient nurses at RSI Ibnu Sina Simpang Empat. The research method uses quantitative research. The sample in the study used total sampling, namely all nurses at RSI Ibnu Sina Simpang Empat, totaling 52 people. The research was carried out by giving a questionnaire. The research results were analyzed using the Chi Square Test. The results of the analysis showed that 20 nurses had a heavy workload and adequate nursing performance (67%), 10 nurses had a heavy workload and good nursing performance (33%), nurses had a moderate workload and adequate nursing performance. as many as 7 people (32%), and nurses who had a moderate workload and good nursi ng performance were 15 people (68%). Research shows that there is a relationship between workload and the performance of inpatient nurses at RSI Ibnu Sina Simpang Empat, with a sig value (pValue) of 0.028. There are efforts to increase workforce considering the high workload.
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